European legislators get money from US military companies — Russian MFA
"It is noteworthy that the focus is on the US military-industrial complex (not even European), which is the embodiment of the term 'dealers in death'," Maria Zakharova said | The European parliament’s members receive money from US military companies, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on her Telegram channel on Tuesday. 💬 "Corruption in the European Parliament thrives. EUObserver journalists have discovered that some MEPs received pensions, for example, from US corporations Raytheon, Honeywell International and Textron Inc - military companies that develop, produce and sell, among other items, cluster munitions. It is noteworthy that the focus is on the US military-industrial complex (not even European), which is the embodiment of the term ‘dealers in death’. Moreover, as it has turned out, MEPs are sponsored with money from the sale of precisely those types of weapons which EU member-states seek ban. For some reason they do not refuse to take the money," Zakharova [said].