
Permalink Raeisi calls for prosecution of Trump over Gen. Soleimani's assassination

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raeisi has called for prosecution of former US president Donald Trump, stressing that Iran will pursue the assassination of the country's top anti-terror commander General Qassem Soleimani. | Raeisi made the remarks as he was addressing the 77th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York.  The president hailed Iran's "prominent and progressive" role in confronting high-handed and interventionist policies, including the "United States-crafted terrorism."  He noted how, thanks to General Soleimani's commandership, Iran managed to frustrate the plots that were aimed at manipulating the contours of the regional countries.

Iranian victims of MKO [CIA] terror urge President Raeisi to 'be our voice' (PressTV): The survivors of thousands of Iranian victims of terrorism, especially the acts of terror waged by the anti-Iran terrorist cult of Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO), urge the Islamic Republic's president to relay their message to the world.

MKO Terrorists Working in Collusion with CIA: US Commentator (Tasnim News Agency): The MEK has been an agent of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and represents the single most expensive US covert foreign operation since the inception of the CIA at the close of World War II. From 1979 to 1989, the US, UK, and Saudi Arabia provided at least $3 billion dollars in funding to the MEK for the purpose of destabilizing Afghanistan subsequent to the Russian invasion. It is from this history that observers today should consider claims made by the MEK as lacking in credibility.

Permalink About 200 pilot whales perish on Australian beach

HOBART, AUSTRALIA - About 200 pilot whales have perished after stranding themselves on an exposed, surf-swept beach on the rugged west coast of Tasmania, Australian rescuers said Thursday.

Just 35 of the approximately 230 beached whales are still alive, according to state wildlife services, who described a tough battle ahead to rescue survivors.  Aerial images from the scene revealed dozens of glossy, black mammals strewn along Ocean Beach, stuck on the waterline where the frigid southern ocean meets the sand.  Locals covered some of the creatures with blankets and doused them with buckets of sea water to keep them alive until more help arrived. [...] Helpers usually wade into the water and use harnesses to float the mammals into deeper waters, but officials said a new technique will also be tested, using an aquaculture firm's mechanical aid. From there a vessel will take them to deeper clearer waters to avoid a new stranding.  Two years ago nearby Macquarie Harbour was the scene of the country's largest-ever mass stranding, involving almost 500 pilot whales. More than 300 pilot whales died during that stranding, despite the efforts of dozens of volunteers who toiled for days in Tasmania's freezing waters to free them.

Permalink Video: “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda”: The Shocking Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” produced by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Children’s Health Defense, details the World Health Organization’s intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation, and how such vaccines have been used — without people’s knowledge or consent — since the mid-’90s.  The WHO has been caught more than once deliberately deceiving women into thinking they were vaccinated against tetanus, when in fact they were being sterilized.The film clearly illustrates the depopulation agenda is not a conspiracy theory. It’s reality, and it’s happening worldwide. The HPV vaccine and the COVID shots also have adverse impacts on fertility that are being ignored.In the decade after the rollout of the HPV vaccine, the teen pregnancy rate dropped by 50%.

Permalink Man Died From Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine: New Zealand Coroner

The death of Rory Nairn, a New Zealand plumber, was caused by myocarditis stemming from the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, a coroner confirmed. Nairn, 26, died on Nov. 17, 2021, just 12 days after receiving the first dose of the vaccine. Coroner Sue Johnson led an inquest into the cause of Nairn’s death and publicly released the findings on Tuesday.

💬 “The cause of [Nairn’s] death was myocarditis, due to vaccination with the ComirnatyTM Pfizer/BioN Tech COVID-19 vaccine,” she said. Johnson used evidence based on expert findings by pathologist Noelyn Hung, who said the direct cause of Nairn’s death was “acute myocarditis.” “[Hung] saw that it was not caused by Rory having rheumatic fever or by infection as there was no sign of a bacteria, virus or fungi,” Johnson said. “She also excluded all other known potential causes of myocarditis, for example, certain medicines such as the anti-psychotic medications clozapine and risperidone which can cause myocarditis.”

Johnson accepted Hung’s medical opinion that the myocarditis was caused by the vaccine, as there was an absence of any other cause after numerous tests.

Permalink Aumento de mortalidad inexplicable

Como ya nos advertía Peter Doshi, editor del British Medical Journal (BMJ), todavía no hay evidencia científica de que las vacunas covid-19 hayan salvado una sola vida, explicaba en su editorial: La presencia de anticuerpos no implica inmunidad si estos no son neutralizantes. Lo que estaba por venir no ha sido ninguna sorpresa, en los ensayos clínicos ya se vio que no eran neutralizantes, después introdujeron el magistral concepto de que a más dosis acabaría siendo eficaz… lo demás ya es historia. En su día ya discutimos todos los detalles y motivos del fracaso de estas vacunas, que fueron brillantemente expuestos por Joan-Ramon Laporte en el Congreso.  Desde el 31 de agosto del 2022 queda reconocido y publicado en revista revisada por pares que el riesgo/beneficio de las de las inoculaciones para covid-19 de Moderna y Pfizer es negativo:

💬 “El ensayo de Pfizer exhibió un riesgo 36% mayor de eventos adversos graves en los participantes vacunados en comparación con los receptores de placebo”.

Permalink Address by the President of the Russian Federation

💬 President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends, The subject of this address is the situation in Donbass and the course of the special military operation to liberate it from the neo-Nazi regime, which seized power in Ukraine in 2014 as the result of an armed state coup.  [...] The issue concerns the necessary, imperative measures to protect the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Russia and support the desire and will of our compatriots to choose their future independently, and the aggressive policy of some Western elites, who are doing their utmost to preserve their domination and with this aim in view are trying to block and suppress any sovereign and independent development centres in order to continue to aggressively force their will and pseudo-values on other countries and nations.  The goal of that part of the West is to weaken, divide and ultimately destroy our country. They are saying openly now that in 1991 they managed to split up the Soviet Union and now is the time to do the same to Russia, which must be divided into numerous regions that would be at deadly feud with each other.  They devised these plans long ago. They encouraged groups of international terrorists in the Caucasus and moved NATO’s offensive infrastructure close to our borders. They used indiscriminate Russophobia as a weapon, including by nurturing the hatred of Russia for decades, primarily in Ukraine, which was designed to become an anti-Russia bridgehead. They turned the Ukrainian people into cannon fodder and pushed them into a war with Russia, which they unleashed back in 2014. They used the army against civilians and organised a genocide, blockade and terror against those who refused to recognise the government that was created in Ukraine as the result of a state coup. (MORE)

Russia to begin partial mobilization – Putin (09/21/22)
Kherson Region Public Council Proposes to Hold Referendum on Joining Russia (09/20/22)


Permalink Russia to begin partial mobilization – Putin

The measure will apply to members of the reserve forces and those with military experience | In a nationwide address on Wednesday morning, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial military mobilization. He explained that the Defense Ministry has recommended drawing military reservists into active service, as the country faces a protracted conflict in Ukraine and Donbass.  The measure is sensible and necessary under the circumstances, Putin stated, adding that he has already signed an order for the call-up to start immediately. The Armed Forces will draw on military reservists only, and those who have completed national service, the president added. He promised that they will be provided with additional training along with all the benefits due to people involved in active duty.  In his speech, Putin accused Kiev of backing away from peace talks, acting on direct orders from its Western allies. Instead of negotiating, the Ukrainian government has beefed up its military with NATO-trained troops, many of whom are neo-Nazi extremists, he said. (VIDEO)

President Putin Signs Decree on Partial Mobilization in Russia (Sputnik News): Earlier this week, the Donbass Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, both liberated by the Russian forces, announced they would hold referendums on joining Russia.  Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Wednesday that he'd signed a decree on partial mobilization in the country: 💬 "In this situation, I consider it necessary to take the following decisions, they are fully adequate to the threats we face. Namely: to protect our Motherland, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, to ensure the security of our people and people in the liberated territories, I consider it necessary to support the proposal of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff on conducting partial mobilization in the Russian Federation," Putin said, addressing Russians.

The key points from Putin's address to the Russians (Stop Hating Russia News -Telegram)
Address by the President of the Russian Federation (TASS)(TEXT)
Traduction du message de Poutine qui annonce l’envoi de 300 000 soldats supplémentaires en Ukraine
Russia Announces Partial Mobilization (Moon of Alabama)
Russell Bentley on this very dangerous moment in Ukraine (Mark Crispin Miller)
Statements by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu (Eva Bartlett)
Shoigu: Russia at War With Collective West Rather Than Ukraine (Sputnik News)
Russia’s Putin announces partial military mobilization (Ground News)(LINKS)

Vladimir Kornilov: Time to drop our illusions, the West is waging a war to destroy Russia (RT.com): [We] are now in a situation where Russia’s enemies are now openly talking about using them to carry out an unrealistic plan to dismember our common motherland! Thus, we can safely say that the collective West has already moved from talk to action and is openly challenging the very existence of the Russian Federation.  [I]n the face of increasing threats to Russian citizens, we are left with no choice but to act much more forcefully against military infrastructure, even if it’s also used by civilians, in the direction of decision-making centres, and towards those individuals directly responsible for terror and murders wherever they are located, as well as tackling states that pursue hostile policies. After all, we should not forget that when an existential threat to Russia arises, we need to present a tough response. Those who threaten our homeland should be constantly reminded of this.


Permalink Kherson Region Public Council Proposes to Hold Referendum on Joining Russia

Previously, civic chambers of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics also came forward with such an initiative, urging the local authorities to hold the referendums on becoming a part of Russia.  The Kherson Public Council appealed on Tuesday to the head of the region Vladimir Saldo, calling for an immediate referendum to make Kherson part of the Russian Federation.

💬 "We consider that now - more than ever - it is time to take a crucial decision to immediately hold a referendum on making the Kherson region a part of the Russian Federation. We are sure that the initiative will be fully supported by the residents of the Kherson region, and joining Russia will not only be a triumph of historical justice, but will also secure the territory of the region, open new opportunities on the way to the revival and restoration of the power of our land and the return to a full-fledged peaceful life", said Vladimir Ovcharenko, the head of the council."

Referendums. Special Military Operation coming to an end? (The Duran)(VIDEO)
Si le référendum montre la volonté de joindre le Fédération de Russie... (Boris Karpov -Telegram)
Donbass is returning home! (Eva Bartlett - Telegram)(VIDEO)
Zaporozhye region, South Ukraine (Intel Republic -Telegram)(MAP)
Sept 21: Russian Duma to Vote on MOBILIZATION (Hal Turner)
Donbass republics reveal date of vote to join Russia (RT.com)
NATO denounces Donbass referendums (RT.com)

Permalink Who said: Deprive them all of food and water?

Actually, two groups said this: the Nazis during World War II, when they were killing Jews, and the NHS in the UK, which has deprived elderly patients of food and water in order to kill them.  The Nazis who were responsible for this policy were executed for war crimes. The NHS staff were applauded, given bars of chocolate and collectively awarded the George Cross for betraying the British people.

Permalink The U.S. Government is more determined ultimately to conquer Russia than to defeat ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other jihadist Sunni groups

Eric Zuesse | The U.S. Government’s top long-term objective is to conquer both Russia and China. All U.S./UK geostrategy is proxy-wars against Russia & China. No country can be a U.S. ally that doesn’t support this goal. Even before Obama came into the White House, the U.S. and its allies were aiming to overthrow Assad. But once he became President, it became also a NATO operation — despite Syria’s not being in Europe. The whole purpose of NATO has actually been to do everything possible to conquer Russia; and, so, since both Syria and Iran are friendly with Russia, NATO hates them, too. And, since China now also is favorable toward Russia, NATO is (via AUKUS) being expanded to conquer that country, too.

Permalink Biden Again Says the US Would Defend Taiwan If China Attacks

The White House says Biden's comments don't mean a change in policy, but it was the fourth time he said the US would defend Taiwan | In an interview with 60 Minutes that aired Sunday, President Biden said the US would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack, marking the fourth time of his presidency that he’s made the pledge despite the long-standing US policy of strategic ambiguity.  When asked by host Scott Pelley if US forces would defend Taiwan, President Biden said, “Yes, if in fact there was an unprecedented attack.” Pelley followed up by asking, “So unlike Ukraine, to be clear, sir, US forces, US men and women would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion?” The president replied, “Yes.”

Permalink PROOF OF COVER-UP: Israel knew about serious safety problems with covid jabs while pushing them on people and hiding the harm

Covid “vaccines” were unleashed under Operation Warp Speed and widely distributed for a full year before the Israeli government decided to look at any of the safety data, according to shocking new revelations | Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, head of public services at Israel’s Health Ministry, upon learning that the shots were deadly a full year in, sat on that information until now as millions upon millions of people rolled up their sleeves for injection. (Related: Check out our earlier coverage about covid jab deception in Israel).  Alroy-Preis is part of a cohort that deliberately withheld the truth about Fauci Flu shots from the public, all the while lying to the public about how “safe and effective” they supposedly are.

Permalink ‘Stunning’: The Real Reason Health Officials Won’t Let Independent Scientists Examine mRNA Vaccine Vials

Summary: The reason health officials don't want individual vaccine vials examined by independent scientists is that the vials are all different -- and the mRNA in the shots is not intact. For an effective mRNA product, the mRNA integrity needs to be 100%, meaning all the RNA must be intact. Considering how ineffective the jabs are, it seems fair to question whether lack of mRNA integrity might be to blame. Fragmented RNA could potentially also be hazardous to health by generating incomplete spike proteins. While we do not know if incomplete spike proteins are dangerous, it's possible they might contribute to cellular stress. The "bad batch" phenomenon may also be indicative of quality problems. Independent investigations have revealed that some lots of the shots are associated with very severe side effects and death, whereas other lots have very few or no adverse events associated with their use. However, the fact that "hot" lots are being released in a coordinated fashion suggests vaccine makers may in fact be doing intentional lethal-dose testing on the public, and that these "bad batches" are not merely the result of intermittently poor manufacturing.

Permalink Ukraine Prepares Provocation of Bucha Scenario in Izyum: Kremlin

In April, Kiev organized a false-flag operation in the city of Bucha near Kiev, accusing Russia of massacring civilians. Moscow demanded an impartial investigation and stressed that all Russian troops had fully withdrawn from Bucha on March 30, adding that Ukrainian forces were shelling the city around the clock.  Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov lambasted Ukrainian claims of massacres in the city of Izyum in the Kharkov region, stressing that Kiev is lying in a bid to pin the blame on Russia.

💬 "It is the same script like the one in Bucha, everything goes like that. It is a lie and we will be contending for the truth," he said.

On Friday, Ukrainian authorities alleged that mass burial sites were found in Izyum after Russian troops withdrew, claiming that more than 400 bodies had been found so far. The Russian Defense Ministry has warned several times that the Kiev regime supported by the western media has been preparing a Bucha-style provocations to accuse Russia of war crimes.

Expectedly, new Bucha-like narratives spring up in Kharkov region (InfoBRICS)


Permalink Zelensky and NATO plan to transform post-war Ukraine into ‘a big Israel’

The NATO-backed Atlantic Council has proposed apartheid Israel as a blueprint for a hyper-militarized Ukraine. The paper was authored by Obama’s former ambassador to Tel Aviv, now an Israeli spy-tech consultant. | Just forty days after Russia’s military campaign began inside Ukraine, Ukrainian President Vlodymyr Zelensky told reporters that in the future, his country would be like “a big Israel.” The following day, one of Israel’s top promoters in the Democratic Party published an op-ed in NATO’s official think tank exploring how that could be executed.  Zelensky made his prediction while speaking to reporters on April 5, rejecting the idea that Kiev would remain neutral in future conflicts between NATO, the European Union, and Russia. According to Zelensky, his country would never be like Switzerland (which coincidentally abandoned its Napoleon-era tradition of nonalignment by sanctioning Russia in response to its February invasion).

💬 “We cannot talk about ‘Switzerland of the future,’” the president informed reporters. “But we will definitely become a ‘big Israel’ with its own face.

Ukraine as 'Big Israel' and the Heavenly Jerusalem Project (08/12/22)(VIDEO)

Permalink Ukrainian "Kill List" hosted on NATO servers!!

A web site that posts images and info of people OPPOSED to Ukraine in its fight with Russia, by strange coincidence seems to see some of the people whose photos and info they publish, GET KILLED. Now, we find, that web site . . . is hosted on (derives content from ) NATO servers!

Ok, so for those of you that can verify, I suggest the following: Go to this Ukrainian website page, showing a composite image of many on the hit list: [link to myrotvorets.center (secure)] If you examine the page source, depending on browser do something like = -> "Developer" -> "Page Source." See that the image comes from here: [link to psb4ukr.natocdn.net (secure)] And the main image - with photos and names of people to "get" -- is also on NATO servers, HERE

Permalink Chinese Military Convoy Enters Ukraine From Russia

Hal Turner | With this single, small, almost insignificant action, China has just announced to the whole world that it is now militarily standing with Russia, inside Ukraine. Super-powers #2 and #3, are now openly, physically, confronting Super Power #1. It seems to me that we in the USA and our European vassal state "partners" ought to get the message, and get it quick: I personally perceive the message to be "Either this Ukraine nonsense stops now, or open warfare between all three nuclear-armed super-powers is now on the table."

Permalink Looking Back / Forward: Fined For Speaking Irish 1984

An Irish language teacher is fined for refusing to answer in English when questioned by the RUC | In May 1984, 27 year old teacher Breandán Ó Fiaich was stopped at an Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) checkpoint in Belfast and spoke only in Irish when questioned. Breandán Ó Fiaich was summonsed to court and demanded an interpreter. Resident magistrate Basil McIvor refused the request saying that he could not accept that a man from Belfast could not speak or at least understand English.  A member of the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) and two RUC policemen gave evidence about questioning Mr Ó Fiaich about his identity and movements. They say he replied in a language that they assumed to be Irish. The RUC officers also said that they had heard Mr Ó Fiaich speak in English [to his solicitor] while he was in custody.  Mr Ó Fiaich was fined £50 for failing to give information to members of Her Majesty’s Forces. The fine was paid by a student who had offered to act as an interpreter despite Mr Ó Fiaich saying that he did not want to pay the fine.  Speaking in Irish to RTÉ News after the hearing, Mr Ó Fiaich said that he understands Irish better than English would do the same again if stopped by the police or troops.

Permalink Un laboratoire anglais découvre du graphène dans les vaccins Covid-19 – Les scientifiques pensent que les vaccinés le transmettent aux non vaccinés

Après l’alerte initiale des espagnols de la Quinta Columna c’est enfin un labo anglais qui confirme la présence non déclarée de graphène dans les « toxins ». Presque en fin d’article lien d’une une revue indépendante qui démontre la toxicité du graphène. | Les vaccins Covid-19 ont fait l’objet d’un examen médico-légal au Royaume-Uni et un rapport de laboratoire confirme qu’ils contiennent des nanomatériaux de graphène, qui peuvent pénétrer les barrières naturelles de l’organisme et endommager le système nerveux central, et de l’oxyde de graphène qui peut endommager les organes internes, endomager le sang, déclencher un cancer et provoquer des mutations génétiques, parmi nombre d’autres effets délétères.  Une analyse plus approfondie du Dr Phillipe van Welbergen conclue que le graphène se transmet des vaccinés aux non vaccinés, pouvant détruire les globules rouges et provoquer des caillots sanguins.

Permalink Vaxxies pass down VAIDS to their offspring

They injected mice with a flu mRNA LNP "vaccine" and found it altered the immune system in unexpected ways. They tracked these changes to still be present in even the 4th litter. And only one of the parents, either male or female needed to be vaxxed in order to produce a vax baby.

💬 Hundreds of millions of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccine doses have already been administered to humans. However, we lack a comprehensive understanding of the immune effects of this platform. The mRNA-LNP-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is highly inflammatory, and its synthetic ionizable lipid component responsible for the induction of inflammation has a long in vivo half-life.[...]

New study finds organ recipients rejecting transplant after receiving COVID vaccine (WishTV)(VIDEO)
Peer-Reviewed: 94 Percent of Vaccinated Patients with Subsequent Health Issues Have Abnormal Blood, Italian Microscopy Finds (Global Research)

Permalink Australian Study Treats Climate Change Skepticism as a Mental Disorder

A team of psychological researchers from Australia is delving into the mindset of those who refuse to buy the notion that man-made climate change is quickly creating an unlivable, barren wasteland on Earth. Researchers from the University of the Sunshine Coast looked to explain why such “cranks” continue to deny what they call “the reality of climate change, its causes, impacts and the need for mitigatory action.” According to the researchers, climate change skeptics were guilty of using “mental gymnastics” in order to deny what they called “the near-universal agreement among scientists on the reality and impact of climate change.”  Near universal? Really? What about the 1,100 scientists — including a Nobel laureate — who recently signed a declaration proclaiming “there is no climate emergency?” Among those scientists were 134 signatories from Australia, the same nation the participants in the survey were from. The researchers found one very interesting result: Those who actually study an issue instead of blindly relying on government propaganda were actually more likely to be skeptical of so-called climate change. “Contrary to our predictions, people with high analytical abilities were even more likely to be sceptical about this,” stated study authors Nunn and Sharman in a piece for The Conversation. [...] “Those with stronger individualistic worldviews — their priority is individual autonomy as opposed to a more collectivist worldview — were more sceptical about humans causing climate change,” the authors stated.


Permalink Five psychological experiments that explain the modern world + VIDEOS

The world is a confusing place. People do things that don’t make any sense, think things that aren’t supported by facts, endure things they do not need to endure, and viciously attack those who try to bring these things to their attention. If you’ve ever wondered why, you’ve come to the right place.  Any casual reader of the alternate media landscape will eventually come up with a reference to Stanley Milgram, or Philip Zimbardo, the “Asch Experiment” or maybe all three.  “Cognitive Dissonance”, “Diffusion of Responsibility”, and “learned helplessness” are phrases that regularly do the rounds, but where do they come from and what they mean?  Well, here are the important psycho-social experiments that teach us about the way people think, but more than that they actually explain how our modern world works, and just how we got into this mess. (MORE)

Permalink Donbass. Genocide. 2014-2022

A woman begs for the violence to end after a shell hit the
residential area where she lives in Donetsk, Ukraine. Two
people were killed. MANU BRABO / AFP-Getty Images

This special project was launched to shed light on what has happened in Donbass over the past eight years, with the aim to show not only episodes of crimes by the Kiev regime against the civilian population, but also to explore the roots of the disaster occurring in the region.

Donbas war (Conservapedia)
Kiev’s military op in E. Ukraine ‘crime against own people’ – ex-Ukrainian President Yanukovich (NexusNewsFeed)
Donbass through the eyes of the special project MIA “Russia Today” (TopWar)
Украинская нацгвардия ведет интенсивный обстрел Луганска (ФОТО, ВИДЕО) (odnarodyna.org)(DeepL Translator)
Удар по Станице Последствия военных действий в Луганской области (lenta.ru)(DeepL Translator)
More than 160+ people were buried inside Odessa Labor House building.EXTREME VIDEO + PHOTO
Ukraine's Whitewashed Odessa Massacre Report (Stephen Lendman)
Tornado battalion" Criminals Are Still Being Released (04/07/22)
Ukraine: Shelling Residential Areas Puts Civilians at Risk (ReliefWeb)
Mortar hits hospital in eastern Ukraine; 1 killed (Daily Herald)
At least 19 civilians killed by shelling in Ukraine as government and rebels blame each other (The Independent)
The West is silent as Ukraine targets civilians in Donetsk (Sott.net)
Ukrainian defense officials face criminal charges in Russia over Donbass genocide (Sott.net)
Shells devastate entire streets in eastern Ukrainian town (SeeMoreRocks)
Humanitarian catastrophe: Lugansk, E. Ukraine, left with no water, power (RT.com)
250 civilian persons killed in Luhansk region of Ukraine since beginning of summer - OSCE (TASS)
It’s war on Russia, and The West’s game plan for it is public (05/02/21)

Permalink Who Are These People? The Self-appointed Rulers...

We Will Be Gods - Yuval Noah Harari | "Yuval Noah Harari, lead advisor to Klaus Schwab….Strongly deceived and carries the spirit of ANTI-Christ around with him. Lover of self and thinking that he can alter God’s creation of mankind by merging humans with AI to make God’s image bearers “better”. Anyone who thinks God’s creation needs to be altered or “corrected” will not fare well when they stand face to face with him at the appointed time unless they change their way of thinking (repent). You can see how easily pushing Antichrist will be in the 7 year Tribulation (Time of Jacob’s/Israel’s Trouble)."

[Comment by "Less Prone":] The people in the ranks of the Usury Cabal Satanic cult are a motley group and doesn't represent just one race. Some things they have in common; greed, self-righteousness, cunning, Satanic occultism that goes together with abuse, torture, blood sacrifice and pedophilia, psychopathy or sociopathy. However, one has to acknowledge that it requires intelligence to take over all humanity under their rule, but intelligence falls short of wisdom. They have, in their smug illusions of superiority, not realized that all deception starts with self-deception. Setting themselves separate from and above of the rest of humanity they justify all their crimes. And it does not stop even there.

Permalink Swiss "Democracy:" Swiss leaders shrug off referendum on F-35 deal

Lawmakers in Bern have approved the controversial purchase of US fighter jets without waiting for a public vote on the issue | Swiss legislators have given final approval for the country’s controversial purchase of F-35 fighter jets from the US, ignoring a successful petition drive that was supposed to force a public vote on the issue.  Switzerland’s lower house National Council voted to approve the $6 billion deal with US defense contractor Lockheed Martin on Thursday. The upper house, the Council of States, had previously approved the purchase of 36 F-35s.  The Swiss government, which received voter approval in 2020 to modernize the country’s fleet of fighter jets at a cost of up to $6.3 billion, reached a preliminary agreement with Lockheed Martin last year after choosing the F-35 over France’s Rafale, Boeing’s F/A-18 Super Hornet and the multinational Eurofighter Typhoon.  Opponents have argued that although voters narrowly approved the fleet's modernization, they didn’t agree to the F-35, which has been branded too expensive and not a good fit for militarily neutral Switzerland’s defense-focused air force.

Permalink Leaked documents expose Ukrainian attempts to destabilize Russia and draw NATO into a full-scale war with Moscow

Plans concocted by the special services reveal Kiev’s aggressive strategy over many years | As Ukrainian documents now at the disposal of the media show, Moscow apparently had something to defend itself from when it launched its offensive in Ukraine. Over the past eight years, Kiev’s military and special services have been preparing numerous operations aimed at undermining Russia’s international ties, and internal peace itself.  In June, a hacker Telegram channel dubbed ‘Beregini’ published the action plan of the Information and Psychological Operations Department of the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s Special Operations Forces (SSO). According to official information, the tasks of this unit include working with the population of foreign countries, creating agent networks, and infiltrating special services and military organizations to conduct espionage and destroy people who pose a threat to the Ukrainian government (including in other countries), as well as preparing coups and the overthrow of regimes.  The SSO plan was prepared back in 2017, and this is just one of many similar secret documents created by Ukrainian spooks. It was just one that became public. But the presence of these plans and the real political and military steps taken by Ukraine, which coincide with SSO programs to a surprising extent, indicate that KI’ve has been actively carrying out anti-Russian activities since at least 2014, when a Western-backed coup took place in the country.

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