Turkey Mobilizing 45,000 Reserve Troops Toward Armenia Border; Iran Mobilizing Army With Heavy Armor to Same Area; Nato Moving Into Moldova
The attack by Azerbaijan against Armenia is already escalating very severely. That attack commenced on Tuesday. Yesterday, Iran began mobilizing troops to protect its border with Armenia and told Azerbaijan they will "not tolerate a change in Armenia geography." ● Today, Turkey began moving 45,000 Reserve troops because they support Azerbaijan, and Iran upped the ante by commencing movement of heavy armor to back-up its troops. ● Within days, the world could see the outbreak of yet another war; this on the south side of Russia . . . which is precisely what NATO. the EU and the USA want, so as to create havoc and require Russia to fight two wars on two fronts. ● This all due to Russia entering Ukraine to de-Nazify it.
Hal Turner Analysis and Editorial Opinion | We are now clearly seeing actual evidence of World War 3 preparations. OUR GOVERNMENT in the USA, conspiring with governments in Europe, are literally moving troops and armor into position to fight a war against Russia, which WILL lead to nuclear war. Russia has told the world form the beginning that if NATO comes against Russia, "it will be a war that no one will win." Those were the precise words of Russian President Vladimir Putin. As most readers know all-to-well, the only "war that no one will win" is a nuclear war. Yet our government is preparing to take actions that will result in exactly that.