
Permalink Pfizer Tells Federal Judge that Pfizer Owns the Federal Government and Is thereby Immune to Normal Contract Law

Paul Craig Roberts | Pfizer affirms that its agreement with Washington under “Other Transaction Authority” permits Pfizer to violate clinical trial regulations and federal laws protecting the public. In other words, Pfizer has legal authority to commit fraud that kills people.

As I have explained on many occasions, the US government is privatized. It is run by private interests whose representatives are found on the SEC, FDA, EPA, Federal Reserve, and all other regulatory agencies. As George Stigler made clear 60 years ago, the US regulatory agencies are captured by the industries they are supposed to regulate. The power of private interests also comes from the fact that private interests are the financers of political campaigns. Every elected official—House, Senate, President—and every state and local official knows he/she is in office because of the campaign contributions. This means that elected officials are responsible to their donors, not to the voters. The power of private interests was reinforced by the US Supreme Court decision that gave essentially unlimited ability to corporations to purchase government to serve their interests. This is the real picture of today’s United States.


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