UKC News: Biden’s Launches ‘Ministry of Truth’ + Why EU-Russia Sanctions Will Fail
As saber-rattling with Russia and China continues, the UK announces their new ‘Global NATO’ initiative, and using the G7 as an ‘economic NATO.’ Meanwhile, Russia has cut off gas to EU members Poland and Bulgaria for failing to abide by Putin’s latest ‘Rubles for Gas’ decree, and so we explain how Russia’s new gas purchasing system works, and why the EU sanctions against Russia are bound to fail. Also, who is Ursula Von Der Leyen, and how did she rise to power? Meanwhile, a senile Joe Biden continues to struggle forming sentences, while his radical deep state gaggle push ahead with their new ‘Ministry of Truth’ censorship police known as the “Disinformation Governance Board.” And to keep the war going, the US and its allies are pledging billions more for the Zelensky regime, as the West prepares to make the conflict last for years. All this and more. Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.