The Ukraine War: It's Over [?]
Gonzalo Lira: 💬 With Anthony Blinken suggesting that Ukraine and Russia should resume negotiations, the US is signaling that they know the war is lost. NATO will NEVER get into this war, even if there's a Ukraine provocation in Transnistria—because NATO knows it will lose to Russia. So expect a lot of other international news—Iran, China, Solomon Islands, etc.—to start taking up the attention bandwidth. The only play for the Biden administration at this point is to distract and divert, and make people forget about Ukraine. You have to understand what Blinken and Lloyd Austin's visit with Zelensky in “Kiev” (probably Poland) really was—It was a kiss-off. It was the signal to the Zelensky regime that US/NATO will not supply heavy weapons or planes, and will not get into this war. It's over. (via ABN)
A Recap Of The War In Ukraine - by Gonzalo Lira (ThreadReader)
A /pol anon delivered an outstanding précis of what has happened in Ukraine just prior to the war (GonzaloLira1968)