Old people in prisons. Why Japanese authorities are afraid of Trump
Alexander Savko

The American channel CNN published a shocking and sad report, which brings a very expressive feature under the old myth of the “Japanese economic miracle”.
The American channel CNN published a shocking and sad report, which brings a very expressive feature under the old myth of the “Japanese economic miracle”.
Older residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are increasingly trying to voluntarily go to prison, committing small criminal offenses – not to die of hunger or cold.
Japan’s largest women’s prison, Totiga, is filled mainly by elderly women who have fallen there as a result of poverty.
The report describes the story of 81-year-old Akies, who was repeatedly detained for stealing food in the store. At large, she lived on a “very small pension”, which was paid every two months, and her native son refused his mother material support.
💬 “Maybe this life is the most stable for me,” says Akiyo about his prison existence.
As a prison employee of the Takaesi Siranaga said in a CNN commentary, some old people say that they are ready to pay 20 000 yen (about 13 thousand rubles) per month to remain in prison - because life in Japan is expensive, and they can not afford this.
💬 “There are people who come here because it’s cold or because they’re hungry. They can receive free medical care while they are in prison, but after their release they will have to pay for it themselves, so some people want to stay here as long as possible, ” says Siranaga.