L.A. Wildfires Made Catastrophic by...Ukraine

California homes burned to the ground and people were killed, because some government idiot - likely in in Washington, DC wanted to "stick it" to Russia over Ukraine.
Let me tell you a story about how international politics made the Los Angeles Wildfires catastrophic. How over 12,000 homes, businesses and schools burned down in California, because of...Ukraine.
All of you recall that, in the year 2014, Crimea voted to secede from Ukraine, and to go back to Russia. Many of you might be surprised that I said "go back to Russia" because you may not be aware that, for at least 300 years prior, Crimea WAS part of Russia.
Throughout most of recorded history it was "the Russian Crimea." But on 19 February 1954, then Soviet Leader, Nikita Kruschev, GAVE Crimea to Ukraine. So Crimea was only part of Ukraine for sixty (60) years.
It was back in 2013-2014 under the Obama Administration that NATO wanted to expand into Ukraine. Their goal was to place American Missile Defenses on Ukraine soil. By having US Missiles on Ukraine soil, those missiles could strike Moscow in about five minutes, and Russia's Strategic Nuclear Missile silos in about ten minutes.
As you may know, Russia flatly refused to accept having such a threat on their borders. They told Ukraine "no." They told both Europe and America "no." But NATO was determined and they continued trying to lure Ukraine.
At the time, Ukraine's Democratically-elected President was Viktor Yanukovich. Both the US and EU approached Yanokovich and told him, among other things, that Ukraine should move away from the Russian sphere of influence and come into the West. It would be a boost for business, would improve the lives of all Ukrainians, and so on.