The Master Race Complex or Why NATO Loses
Agit Papadakis
The idea for this article came from RUSI writer Alex Vershinin's article last March that had everybody bloviating on why there were no “big arrow” offensives in Ukraine because it was really a “war of attrition.” I reacted back then on X (locked account) that it's not a war of attrition if only one side is getting attrited.
What the Ukraine war is is an advanced stage grinder, or what I call “Panzerfaust time,” referring to Hitler's last-ditch defense of Berlin against the approaching mass of Soviet armor, when he handed out Panzerfaust anti-tank weapons to old men, women, and children because all his soldiers were dead. What hit me now, however, was that this RUSI article, coming from the flower of Anglo/US NATO military thinking, was actually a perfect illustration of the NATO master race complex that got them defeated in Afghanistan and will prevent them from ever understanding why they are losing in Ukraine.
Vershinin claims that Russia is winning thanks to mass-produced cheap weapons made from washing machine parts, much like the proverbially janky T-34 with half the armor of a Tiger and a puny 76.2 mm gun vs the Tiger's mighty 88. He conveniently leaves out the part about the T-34's revolutionary sloped armor that could take dozens of AT gun hits despite its thinness, which reduced its weight to half the Tiger's, allowing it to run rings around the lumbering nazi tank while the Tiger's driver struggled with the horrible transmission that was always breaking down.
So “Russians produce cheap junk weapons” wasn't true in 1942 and it's even less true now. If you wanted cheap junk weapons in WW2, you'd have to go to the Brits with their planes made of balsawood and cloth and their stamped-metal Sten guns.
He's right about the high-low mix but the message gets lost in the salivating over NATO high-end weapons and the insinuation that Russia makes weapons out of civilian goods parts and hands them over to expendable untrained recruits - the latter being a total projection of what the NATO Banderists are doing with their “meat” snatched off the street. The imperative necessity of the high-low mix is a message that never gets through to NATO, with its generals almost to a man bending over to please the arms manufacturers eager to sell them big-ticket items. Russia has no such problems and is happy to repurpose Soviet-era Rapira antitank guns - which the troops love BTW - and even T-55 tanks, which nobody loves but why leave all those 100mm tank shells rotting away in ammo dumps when you could be firing them at xoxol trenches?
The new T-34s of Bagration with their big guns
NATO commanders and policy makers see Russia's high-low mix through the lens of Western racial superiority, pointing at the old equipment as a sign of Russian weakness, much like Hitler's SS tankers who were still reporting that their Tigers were dominating the Soviet T-34s even after their Army Group Center had been wiped out by those lowly T-34s that sped past and pincered their lumbering Tigers sinking into the rasputitsa in the Red Army's Bagration offensive. The 1944 Bagration T-34s were no longer the lightly-armed and badly commanded entry-level 1943 T-34s, so many of which were lost at Kursk. The Russians had adapted and upgraded, as they always do, so that their tanks now had long-caliber 85mm guns, and the Chief Marshal of the Armored Troops Pavel Rotmistrov had been fired, narrowly avoiding a court martial. Déjà vu, anyone?
You can't really blame the Westies, though. They're crushed under the weight of four centuries of colonizing, civilizing, imperializing, and frequently genociding the inferior races, so much so that even repeatedly getting their asses kicked by Vietnamese rice farmers, Algerian and Afghan goatherds, etc. hasn't dented their master race complex, much less losing a proxy war in Ukraine. Plus of course there's the debilitating imperial decline thing that afflicts its sufferers with all sorts of cognitive dissonance, so that even being forced to sneak their army out of Afghanistan in the dead of the night doesn't register as a helicopters on the rooftop moment and they go on believing they're the most powerful military force in the known universe without skipping a beat.
No amount of imperial clusterfucks will ever convince Westies that they're not the master race born to rule the world
So now that NATO has lost one major battle after another - Bakhmut, the Zapo counteroffensive, Avdeevka - they have to come up with some new cope, since “the Russians are losing” won't cut it any more. What this RUSI Light Colonel with “frontline experience” has to offer on the altar of master race superiority is the cope that the Russians have won with large quantities of cheap junk equipment manned by untrained disposable mobiks, against highly-trained master race soldiers and Wunderwaffen, whose only fault is their lesser numbers. This cope helps NATO cadres and fans maintain the cognitive dissonance that is so vital for the survival of the master race cult by blocking out the reality of its imminent demise.
But who is really press-ganging untrained “meat” to the front? All the evidence shows that it's NATO's Banderist army, not Russia. It's the same story heard from all the surrendering or mutinying Banderist troops, which now include even highly indoctrinated “elite” nazi troops like Aidar in Kharkov and the 68th Jaegers in Zapo.
The only military ranks that are full to bursting in Ukraine are those of military cemeteries, which are now even filling up with women, conscripted and shipped off to the trenches because there are no men left.
West Ukraine has become a land of military cemeteries and population collapse, with dead totals near or above those of France in the Great War.
The cemeteries are not just those of people. NATO's Wunderwaffen have also gone to Ukraine to die en masse.
All of this is prima facie evidence, to which Westies are increasingly impervious, that only one side of this is war is getting attrited, which is a state of affairs described as defeat and not “attritional war.” NATO Wunderwaffen armor and towed artillery (M777s) have been demonstrated to be mostly absolute trash, and of the rest, only the German PzH2000 155mm SP gun and HIMARS/M270 GMLRS systems have proven survivable - for now. Superior master race weapons? Give me a break.
The retired Light Colonel Vershinin then gives us further clues as to why he retired as a mere LtC from an institution with standards as low as the US Army. He recites some standard boilerplate about how NATO militaries are pro outfits with large numbers of NCOs while the Russkies are organized on the Soviet model of few NCOs, so they're a lot less professional and less capable of showing personal initiative, instead depending on an officer's orders for everything. This is complete nonsense and any NATO LtC going to war with this kind of preconception could only look forward to shipping back planeloads of body bags.
Isn't it strange that these “highly professional” NATO armies regularly get routed by 3rd-world peasants, lose their shit and lack any discipline under fire, take revenge on civilians, and failed spectacularly in the “counteroffensive” they mounted last year in Zaporozhia last year? The “highly professional” British Army was routed in Iraq by the Mahdi Army militias and in Sangin, Afghanistan by the Taliban, failing both of its only expeditionary missions in this century. The “highly professional” US Army was likewise roundly defeated in Afghanistan and only avoided defeat in Iraq thanks to the CIA bribing all of Saddam's generals.
As for the Russian troops' lack of initiative, there is zero evidence of that on the ground. On the contrary, we see them constantly coming up with new ideas that are then adopted by the stavka, notably in drone warfare. Cope screens and blyat tanks were invented by soldiers in the field, Rostec being then instructed by the MoD to factory-install cope screens on all new tanks. Perhaps the most famous example of combat initiative by Russian troops is the destruction of a column of 2 Banderist T-72s, 5 MaxxPro MRAPs and 1 M-113 APC by a Russian T-80BMV call signed “Alyosha.” The tank commander and gunner were both conscripts.
Therefore the problem that Vershinin posits of regenerating NCOs in an attritional war is a false one because NATO NCOs have no proven combat worth anyway. They're all shackled by wrong-headed and inflexible NATO doctrine that renders them ineffective and has proven its uselessness by the utter defeat and destruction of the NATO-trained and -armed Georgian and Ukrainian armies in 2 NATO attacks against Russia in 2008 and 2022.
The RUSI genius invents even more non-existent problems by positing false dichotomies like terrain capture vs force destruction. What Putin tried ineptly to do in February 2022 was Clausewitz 101: Capture the enemy's capital - his “center of gravity” - and end the war before it even starts, without having to destroy the enemy's entire army: a coup d'état, in other words. He failed because he's not a general and wouldn't listen to his generals. If his Blitzkrieg had been done right, it might have succeeded and under normal circumstances, would have won without a full-fledged war.
However circumstances in Banderistan are anything but normal. If the Russians had captured Kiev, the command of the Banderist army would have shifted to Odessa, Mariupol, or Lvov, where the NATO staff running the show were based. That's why the Russians laid siege to Mariupol in February 2022 and had to take Azov out to capture the city. Strategic territory and the enemy force defending it are inextricably linked; you can't choose between them. As NATO fields stealthy long-range missiles that can penetrate Russian air defense, it will become necessary to capture more and more territory as a buffer zone to protect Russian cities, military installations, and infrastructure. In this and future wars, all territory has military value because of the enemy's capability to disperse and conceal his highly mobile long-range fires.
The sentence “military operations are shaped by a state's ability to replace losses and generate new formations, not tactical or operational manoeuvres” is nothing short of a confession of incompetence in military matters. How can anyone with a clue call replacing losses a “military operation?” What is operational about signing up and training new recruits? Granted, the Banderist snatch teams dragging people off the street and dumping them in trenches can be considered an “operation” but one without any military value, which can only end in demographic and economic collapse. Conversely, how can an army survive, much less win, without maneuvering, especially in the modern high-intensity, totally transparent battlefield?
The snatch operations of Budanov's SBU are running into increasing resistance and not serving any military purpose, by his own admission.
It's mind-boggling that the NATO trainers who sent Ukrainian troops into the Zapo Surovikin Line grinder ignored and dismissed everything that their trainees had learned in battle as “outmoded Soviet-style thinking” except for trench warfare, for which they dug training trenches, when the first thing they should have been teaching their proxies was to avoid static positions, unless they could provide them with powerful defensive countermeasures and weapons against drones and PGMs. They did neither. At the risk of repeating what I said on X, if you stay static, you become a statistic.
Yes but didn't the Russians build extensive fortifications all along the 1000-km front? Sure they did but they fulfilled the conditions for using static positions: They made sure that all the enemy could throw at them were 45kg dumb shells by jamming GPS, thereby making NATO's entire stocks of US GPS-guided Excalibur shells obsolete, and static fortifications is exactly how infantry deals with dumb shells. They also established air supremacy so that the enemy couldn't match their 500-1500 kg guided bombs with JDAMs or French Hammers, and the rare ones that did get through were shot down by Russian GBAD. In other words they created an EW and air defense “bubble" over their trenches.
Doesn't Vershinin know this? Apparently he does but he only uses it to argue against maneuver, claiming that the “defensive bubble” is static and can't follow maneuvering forces. Once again, that's an admission of why he retired with such a lowly rank. What Vershinin calls “highly complicated and unlikely to be successful” is what vatnik Untermenschen do every day. They plan assaults by laying down a grid of drones before deploying a single ground asset- ISR, FPV, relay, comms, EW drones. They clear a path with FPV drones and PGMs guided by spotter drones. THEN they send in a cleanup crew.
Not everyone in NATO is this stupid. France started building platforms and training for precisely this sort of battlefield 20 years ago with the Leclerc tank's battle management system upgrade, its unmatched mobility, enhanced protection, multispectral concealment, fast target engagement with a 9 rpm autoloader, etc.
The French army followed up with the Griffon multirole MRAP, the Jaguar AFV, and the Serval multirole LAV, all interconnected with the SCORPION datalink and battle management system, which also connects to Rafale helmet-mounted displays (HMDs), drones, EW assets, you name it - and of course to Leclerc tanks. The idea is that the SCORPION force operates in a concealed and dispersed manner, connected and coordinated by SCORPION rather than physical battle formations. This is what the French army has trained for during the past decade or so.
Why does NATO ignore French technology and doctrine? Because NATO's boss the US hates France and has hated France since WW2, first for being too independent and second for cutting into its arms sales. Far from learning from it, the US constantly sabotages French defense, as it did with the AUKUS ambush that blew up their sub deal with Australia and completely cut them out from the Western military alliance in the Pacific.
Then why does the US ignore the battlefield experience and doctrine of its servile proxy Banderistan? The same reason that Hitler did: the master race complex. Before the German nazis got slaughtered by the Red Army and were forced to put the inferior races in SS uniforms, they were planning to use Ukrainians as fertilizer. The US and its Western vassals have a similar view, which they express in language such as that below in their constant calls to Kiev to mobilize more troops and fight “to the last.” NATO does not disguise its intention to use the Ukrainian population as trench-stuffing, which leads me to think that it's NATO that is behind this demented SBU body-snatching campaign on the streets of Banderistan.
This master race attitude that sees the inferior races as cattle to be slaughtered is the only explanation I have for NATO's utter disregard and disdain for what is arguably Kiev's best brigade, the 68th Jaeger. NATO is happy to arm this very effective unit that has done untold damage to the Russian marines besieging Ugledar for 2 years, mastering mobility, surprise and concealment to survive and keep the Russians at bay, but the master-race alliance has never considered the obvious: Use the 68th as a model for its Zapo counteroffensive.
68th Jaeger shoulder patch
The 68th Jaegers were what Kiev had that was closest to their nazi ideals like the Adolf Hitler or Das Reich SS Panzerdivisions. If NATO had any sense it would have selected trainers from among their ranks to put together its training program for the 2023 counteroffensive. However it ignored their operational and tactical expertise and instead left the counteroffensive training in the hands of the very NATO officers that had been defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan, who set up the newly-formed NATO nazi brigades for more defeat. Even more baffling is that instead of the 68th Jaegers, NATO keeps promoting the Azov brigade with its conspicuous SS Das Reich Division Wolfsangel emblem, a unit that was famously defeated in Mariupol and recently fled the battle in Avdeevka, while the 68th remains undefeated.
Not for long, though. Syrsky has seen to that. He has broken up the brigade and scattered it to the four winds, sending a couple of battalions to the open plain west of Avdeevka bereft of any defensive positions, where they were overwhelmed despite their best efforts.
In the end, the inevitable happened and the battalion that Syrsky sent to Zaporozhye mutinied.
If NATO can't even prevent, and indeed facilitates, the senseless waste of Kiev's few remaining good units like the 68th or the 35th, 37th, and 38th Marine Brigades - an entire division - that were fed to the Kryinki meat grinder a squad at a time, filling the basements of the dachas with corpses, then it's barreling towards a defeat of earth-shaking magnitude. What happens then, when the conventional options are exhausted, is of course a more worrying question but whatever it is, NATO will have no one and nothing to blame but its own master race ideology.
Image: © The Jackal's Lair. AWIP: