The Master Race Complex or Why NATO Loses

Agit Papadakis

The idea for this article came from RUSI writer Alex Vershinin's article last March that had everybody bloviating on why there were no “big arrow” offensives in Ukraine because it was really a “war of attrition.” I reacted back then on X (locked account) that it's not a war of attrition if only one side is getting attrited.

What the Ukraine war is is an advanced stage grinder, or what I call “Panzerfaust time,” referring to Hitler's last-ditch defense of Berlin against the approaching mass of Soviet armor, when he handed out Panzerfaust anti-tank weapons to old men, women, and children because all his soldiers were dead. What hit me now, however, was that this RUSI article, coming from the flower of Anglo/US NATO military thinking, was actually a perfect illustration of the NATO master race complex that got them defeated in Afghanistan and will prevent them from ever understanding why they are losing in Ukraine.

Vershinin claims that Russia is winning thanks to mass-produced cheap weapons made from washing machine parts, much like the proverbially janky T-34 with half the armor of a Tiger and a puny 76.2 mm gun vs the Tiger's mighty 88. He conveniently leaves out the part about the T-34's revolutionary sloped armor that could take dozens of AT gun hits despite its thinness, which reduced its weight to half the Tiger's, allowing it to run rings around the lumbering nazi tank while the Tiger's driver struggled with the horrible transmission that was always breaking down.

So “Russians produce cheap junk weapons” wasn't true in 1942 and it's even less true now. If you wanted cheap junk weapons in WW2, you'd have to go to the Brits with their planes made of balsawood and cloth and their stamped-metal Sten guns.

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