International Public Notice: 31 Million
Anna Von Reitz
The most recent figures show 31 million "excess deaths" have taken place in this world. This calm, British-sounding euphemism, "excess deaths" seeks to gloss over and hide the gruesome reality of 31 million extra, unexpected, unnatural deaths, the deaths of friends and loved ones impacting, if we use standard statistical factors, over a hundred and fifteen million families.
The low-ball estimate of deaths at Hiroshima as a result of the atomic bomb is 150,000 compared to 31,000,000. Where is the outrage? Where is the struggle to comprehend what 31 million extra, unnecessary, unaccountable deaths looks like?
Much less, 31 Million deaths for profit? 31 million people of all ages, all races, all religious persuasions murdered for money --- and someone's ignorant, psychopathic belief that the world is overpopulated, when in fact the entire Western Hemisphere has been in population collapse since the First World War.
Stupid. Greedy. Soulless bastards did this to make a dime.
They lied about it, made bets on it (World Bank "Pandemic Bonds" indeed) spent billions of dollars-worth of our credit on it --- which went right back into their coffers, and then, they willy-nilly thoughtlessly polluted the whole human genome forever, without a backward glance, so that they and their cronies and their worse-than-worthless "government services" corporations could make a buck.
It's the day after Christmas. We are trying to envision the 31 million families who had a strangely empty holiday, who endured the empty seat at the table that nobody talked about.
We need to talk about this. We need to face it. We need to focus on it --- hard. Every day, the death toll is rising and the silent elephant in the middle of the room looms larger and larger with every passing hour. We all have to wonder: who did this to us? Who gave the order for a species-wide genocide?
Initial evidence suggests that the Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, gave the order--- at least, in a titular sense; it happened under her signature, though of course, no one person is responsible for this. This particular Death-for-Money drama demanded a cast of demented thousands and preplanning that spanned decades.
It took the money of evil men who have been dead for the better part of a century and their twisted eugenicist ideas: Cecil Rhodes, Henry Welcome, and Henry de Worms (Rothschild) otherwise known as Lord Pirbright.
With the exception of Judy Mikovits, it took the entire staff at Fort Detrick--- which is now conveniently cleared out and abandoned. All the rats deserted that sinking ship.
This required the complicity of a vast cast of characters from Academe: the Louis Pasteur Institute in France, the laboratories of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the National Institutes of Health. the Centers for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, at least forty-nine Surgeon Generals.
This required the cooperation of more than a dozen giant health sector and defense contractor corporations spanning five continents, plus the collusion and collaboration of roughly half the world's for-profit "government services corporations". Out of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, only Russia has its hands clean of what has been described as "this tidy carnage".
Because the victims are being picked off one-by-one and in a somewhat time-delayed fashion, it's been possible for the Perpetrators to also time-delay the public recognition of what they have done.
Karma has a time-delay function, too. There is no immediate and direct consequence (usually) connecting the evil things we do, to the evil end results we suffer. Everything gets muddled up in the middle, so that we can't easily associate our slander campaign against Ellen Taylor with the payback we receive when the tides are turned ten years later. We stand aghast, wondering why we are the Innocent Victim.
Imagine the payback for 31 million "excess deaths"?
The so-called news media is silent, but the elephant won't fit in the living room anymore. It's out and wandering around the streets, it's giant shadow falling on the White House and the thousands of local hospitals and drug stores and "retail locations" that participated in this genocide --- and in some cases, are still participating in it, still mindlessly advertising Covid-19 shots.
Prompted by an increasingly desperate sense of urgency, even thousands of the physicians and nurses who allowed themselves to "take the orders" and do the deeds, are now coming forward. They look dazed and often ashen-faced.
The statistics we read have faces for them.
In retrospect, these are faces they will find increasingly hard to forget, little girls, old men, all tucked away out of sight in the covering and comforting veil of Earth, just six feet under.
Late at night, they have to answer to 31 million trusting, innocent faces looking them in the eye.
Safe and effective? Really? We have 31 million corpses here, telling a different tale.
We have to deal with this. We are the government, not merely the "service" providers. There is nothing in any Constitution even vaguely suggesting that government service providers exercising delegated powers have anything to say about our health.
There isn't a single word about such service providers using our money to buy their snake oil and shoving the same down our throats under color of law.
There is no "state immunity" covering any incorporated entity on Earth, nor any such protection for any officer employed by such corporations. They are all 100% personally and commercially liable for everything they've done, everything they've said, and everything they have failed to do.
And somewhere, deep inside, they all know that. They are just standing around, not mentioning it, keeping quiet, and hoping that the rest of us forget about the 31 million people who are already dead and also don't notice the millions of people who are in the process of dying from this deliberate, man-made scourge.
The death tolls in Gaza and even the Ukraine are miniscule by comparison. The death tolls from Mike Pompeo's "live exercise" have already exceeded the non-political death tolls of World War II, and stand equal to the atrocities committed by Josef Stalin against his own people.
The immensity of what has already happened is staring us in the face, and every day, the number of "excess deaths" keeps rising.
Image: © Ethical Skeptic. AWIP: