Passing Observations 250

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

1. I cannot, I fear, join in the eulogies for Dr Michael Mosley, who worked for the BBC and the Daily Mail. Mosley was a keen advocate of the proven toxic and proven useless covid-19 vaccine. And the diet he advocated, which involved fasting on two days a week was, to say, the least unnatural. Mosley might have been a good egg to those around him but I suspect that as a media doctor he did far more harm than good. And did the covid-19 vaccine contribute to his death, I wonder? The one certainty is that neither the BBC nor the Daily Mail will ever ask the question. Mosley is being remembered (in hagiographic obituaries) as a doctor who searched for truth. But sadly he didn’t do that – in part, I suspect, because the BBC would not have let him. The BBC, remember, is an organisation which refuses to allow airtime to be squandered on anyone who questioned the value or safety of the covid-19 vaccine.

2. Sunak, the war criminal, has apparently put forward Dimon, the boss of JP Morgan Chase and Schmidt the former chairman of Google for knighthoods. Is it not enough that we give these tawdry honours to creeps and confidence tricksters in the UK? Must we now start doling them out to Americans who have done massive damage to the lives of ordinary people and who represent the very worst of the world’s executives? Oh, and it is still possible for people to pay money to obtain an `honour’. What a stupid system it is. The entire honours system, and the House of Lords, should be abandoned immediately.

3. Both Sunak and Starmer plan to spend another £75 billion of taxpayers’ hard earned money on buying arms to send to Ukraine and Israel – two countries which seem to hate us and which never even bother to say thank you. I can think of ways that £75 billion would improve life a great deal for Britons who are in abject poverty and who cannot afford to eat properly or to keep themselves warm.

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