United States, Britain, Israel etc. are Just Colonies

We revisit "The Col. House Report" 1919 which demonstrates that almost 100 years ago, the United States already was a colony of the "Crown" i.e. the Masonic Jewish banking cartel headquartered in London.
As Col. House outlines the plot to return the US to full "British" control, under the guise of the League of Nations, he describes a "system of thought control" that today is stronger than ever. Hardly a day goes by without a new article blaming the "United States" or "Israel" for the woes of the world.
The power of these countries is analogous to how Caroll Quigley describes the power of Communist Jews in the FDR era. He wrote, "the power that these energetic left-wingers exercised was never their own power or Communist power but was ultimately the power of the international financial coterie." (Tragedy and Hope, p.954)
In my review of "The Red Dragon" in 2007, I presented the hypothesis that the major imperial power in the world is the world central banking cartel. Because it creates money out of nothing, it wants to buy everything of real value that it can. Hiding behind the mask of British, American, French or Japanese imperialism, or Nazism, Zionism, Communism, etc. essentially the same people —Illuminati Jewish bankers and their Freemason collaborators— instigate and finance all wars, and profit from them, at the expense of humanity.
The underlying agenda expressed in the The Protocols of Zion is "to undermine all collective forces not our own" by which they mean all nations, races, religions and family. They intend to sow chaos until an exasperated and exhausted humanity succumbs to their world "super government."