Police State: US military planning to suppress domestic unrest

Thomas Gaist

US Military Plans to Crush Dissident Political Groups, Target Leaders with Sniper Fire

Links tweeted by WikiLeaks this week called attention to the development of crowd control doctrines by the US military, the most recent of which are codified in a US Army Techniques document dated April 2014, titledCivil Disturbances.” Main concepts elaborated in the document include crowd dynamics, behavior theories, crowd types, and a “Graduated Response Matrix.”

The document points to various dissident political groups as main targets of the Army’s crowd control planning. “Examples of well-organized groups are anarchists, antiglobalization groups, and anti free enterprise groups,” the US Army document states.

The paper further cites demonstrations coordinated by labor groups, specifically citing the 2011 protests at the Wisconsin capitol. “Labor unions played a large role in the 2011 Wisconsin protests that included passing on information and transporting participants,” the document states.

Special attention is given to “organized protests,” which are said to have more growth potential than spontaneous protests as result of their “centralized planning” and use of “modern technologies that allow for rapid information dissemination.”

Techniques outlined in the document include the use non-lethal weapons, “pain compliance” measures, lethal overwatch teams (snipers), and deployment of aircraft overhead (said to have a “psychological effect”).

The use of military working dog (MWD) teams is highlighted as an especially effective “intimidation measure.” “The presence of the MWD may produce a profound psychological effect on the crowd,” the document states.

Ukraina och informationskriget: ”Vad ska man tro då alla ljuger”

Peter Saramo

Webbtidskriften Simeon ja Hanna publicerar nu också på svenska artikeln ”Mitä uskoa kun kaikki valehtelevat” (”Vad ska man tro då alla ljuger”). Artikeln har uppdaterats av författaren. [H/T: Steigan Blogger: Peter Saramo, som er sekretær for den fiske riksdagens stora utskott har sett seg lei på des-informasjon og løgn om situasjonen i Ukraina, så han har publisert en nøktern oversiktsartikkel der han gjennomgår utviklinga.]

Den som vill förstå den nuvarande krisen i Ukraina och hur den påverkar oss har det inte lätt. Under det sista året liv har jag fått uppleva att också de ”vanligen tillförlitliga” finländska och västliga medierna inte alls är tillförlitliga. Mina husorgan (HS, Hbl, SvD, BBC, Reuters) har jag gång på gång ertappat med att sprida uppgifter, som inte visat sig hålla streck, eller ibland med att själva ge motstridiga rapporter om samma händelser. Redaktörer som vanligen vet bättre faller i fällan att kombinera rapporter om det som hänt med antaganden om varför det hände – utan att göra åtskillnad mellan rapportering och antaganden. Genom sina ordval kan pressen också kompromettera sin objektivitet: det är inte klart om Kiev upplevde en ”revolution” eller en ”kupp” i februari, men ordvalet påverkar perspektivet på allt annat. Att ryska och ukrainska media ljuger hejdlöst är så självklart att det inte behöver kommenteras. Problemet är att vi som bor i en demokrati och vill påverka egentligen inte har någon tillförlitlig information att bygga på.

How Can You Tell Whether Russia has Invaded Ukraine?

Dmitry Orlov (Introduction by Paul Craig Roberts)

If you think that Russia is sending its regular units here, then let me tell you something. If Russia was sending its regular troops, we wouldn’t be talking about the battle of Elenovka here. We’d be talking about a battle of Kiev or a possible capture of Lvov.” ~ Alexander Zakharchenko, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Donetsk National Republic.

Lvov is in western Ukraine near the border with Poland. In other words, if Russia invades Ukraine, the fighting will move from the east side to the west side of the country.

As I observed in a recent column, the fantasy spread by Western governments and their media whores that 1,000 Russian troops have invaded Ukraine is the height of absurdity.

Despite the absurdity of the claim, some of the Western tabloids, which is what all Western newspapers now are, have declared these 1,000 troops to be a “full-scale invasion.” All of this nonsense is a buildup to the upcoming NATO conference in Wales. Disinformation is being used to create hysteria and justification for a NATO military buildup on Russia’s borders that could easily result in the final war.

Ask yourselves this question: Is the entirely of the Western media so ignorant and incompetent not to realize that a Russian invasion of Ukraine would not consist of 1,000 troops (the evidence of which no one can find), or is the entirety of the Western media simply willingly serving as a propaganda ministry for Washington’s warmongers, as the Western media did for George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq based on fabricated evidence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

There are only two conclusions that can be reached about the Western media: Either it is completely stupid or completely corrupt. Dmitry Orlov tells you what a Russian invasion of Ukraine would look like:

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