Cold War Politics in Sochi

Stephen Lendman

On February 6, the XXII Olympic Winter Games began. A geopolitically tense atmosphere prevails. Security is extremely tight. It's prioritized for good reason. Terrorist attacks are possible. Don't discount potential Washington shenanigans. Perhaps raining on Putin's parade is planned. Obama may want him embarrassed. False flags are a longstanding US tradition. Will Sochi be Washington's next target? The fullness of time will tell.

It's a virtual armed camp. Measures in place are unprecedented. Around $2 billion was spent on security. Ahead of February 6, around 23,000 personnel assured proper measures were in place as planned. Tens of thousands of police officers are deployed. They're backed by helicopters, drones, gunboats, submarines, and 70,000 Russian troops. Hundreds of Cossacks are involved. They'll check IDs. They'll detain suspects.

Sochi's proximity to the North Caucasus raised concerns. Islamist jihadists named it a target. They're US assets. They're used strategically. Washington used likeminded ones against Soviet Russia in Afghanistan. Libya was targeted this way. They comprise America's anti-Syrian proxy death squads.

Russia raised concerns after December Volgograd bombings killed 34 people. Were Washington's dirty hands involved? Is something similar planned for Sochi? Hegemons operate this way. America is by far the worst.

Forging a Socialist-Islamist Alliance - Review

William T. Hathaway

From Postmodernism to Postsecularism: Re-emerging Islamic Civilization by Eric Walberg, Clarity Press, 2013.

Most western Middle East experts see Islam as a problem for the West -- a source of terrorism, religious fanaticism, unwanted immigrants -- and they see their job as helping to change the Middle East so it's no longer a problem for us. Eric Walberg, however, recognizes that this is another instance of the Big Lie.

The actual problem is the multifaceted aggression the West has been inflicting on the Middle East for decades and is determined to continue, no matter what the cost to them and us will be. His books and articles present the empirical evidence for this with scholarly precision and compassionate concern for the human damage done by our imperialism.

His latest book, From Postmodernism to Postsecularism: Re-emerging Islamic Civilization, is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand our ongoing war on the Muslim world -- from Libya to the Philippines, from growing beleaguered communities scattered across North America and Europe to South Africa and Australia -- from the perspective of those on the receiving end of America's violence today. It is a compelling representation of both the breathtaking sweep of fourteen centuries of Islamic civilization and the current state of the Muslim world.

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