State repression in France only makes the Resistance grow stronger
Last November I wrote a piece entitled "Is a new revolution quietly brewing in France?" in which I described struggle which was taking place between the French people and the Zionist plutocracy which has ruled France over the past decades (roughly since 1969) and today I am returning to this topic as events have rapidly accelerated and taken a sharp turn for the worse. A number of most interesting things have happened and the French "Resistance" (I will use this collective designator when speaking of the entire Dieudonné/Soral movement) is now being attacked on three levels.
Intellectual level: This is, by far, the most interesting "counter-attack". A well-known French commentator, Eric Naulleau, agreed to a "written debate" with Alain Soral in which both sides would discuss their differences and the transcript would be published in a book entitled "Dialogues Désaccordés" (which can roughly be translated as "detuned dialogs" or "dialogs out of tune" or even "disagreeing dialogs"). To explain the importance of this publication I have to say a few words about Naulleau himself.