Illegitimate Palestinian Prime Minister Appointed
Rami Hamdallah appointed [annointed] as prime minister
of the so-called Palestinian Authority by Mahmoud Abbas,
the current illegitimate president. - He did so lawlessly.
Democracies let people choose. On January 25, 2006, Palestinians overwhelmingly chose Hamas PLC representatives.
They elected them as their legitimate government. Institutionalized Fatah corruption defeated them. Ismail Haniyah is Palestine's rightful prime minister.
Abbas serves illegitimately as Palestine's president. Israel rigged his 2005 election. He was anointed, not elected. His term expired in January 2009. He refuses to call new elections. He's a longtime Israeli collaborator. He's well compensated for doing so. He betrays his own people in the process. Why they tolerate him they'll have to explain.
In June 2007, he illegitimately appointed Salam Fayyad prime minister. In May 2009, he reappointed him. In January 2006 elections, his Third Way party got 2.4% of the vote. Palestinians overwhelmingly rejected him. They did so for good reason.
Earlier he did economic research for the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank. He's a former IMF and World Bank official. Until 2001, he was IMF's man in Palestine. His assignment was exploitation, not public service. He's beholden to monied interests. They own him. He collaborated at the expense of vital Palestinian needs. He did so throughout his tenure. They consistently go begging. Wealth and power alone matter.