A Bribe Too Good to Refuse
When all else fails, offer money, or in this case weapons for peace (a clear oxymoron) via for a three month settlement construction moratorium in name only. In fact, new building is unimpeded, Obama's offer a facade to hide reality on the ground. More on the deal below.
Last December, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the moratorium, saying he hoped it would launch meaningful peace talks. They're entirely fraudulent ones, a grand illusion even Netanyahu once called "a waste of time."
Two earlier articles on them can be accessed through the following links, here & here.
Another covers Netanyahu's sham moratorium (never called a freeze).
Decades of Israeli/Palestinian/US relations prove nothing from Washington or Tel Aviv can be trusted, their word never their bond.
On November 13, PeaceNow.org said since late October, the end Netanyahu's moratorium,
"settlers (began) build(ing) 1,629 housing units, and even (dug) foundations for 1,116 of them. (Work began) in 63 settlements, 46 of them east of the Separation (Wall) and 17 on (its) western side."
Moreover, throughout 2009, "according to the Israeli CBS (Central Bureau of Statistics) data," work began on 1,888 units. It continued virtually unabated during the moratorium, and goes on steadily every day.
In addition, whatever Washington/Tel Aviv deal is stuck, East Jerusalem is off the table, a November 13 AFP report saying "Israel plans to (sell) 3,000 new Jewish homes in Jerusalem next year, including in Arab areas," according to a municipality official.
On November 9, Netanyahu's office, in fact, said:
"Jerusalem isn't a settlement - Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Israel has never put any sort of limits on construction in Jerusalem, where some 800,000 people reside, and didn't do so during the 10-month settlement 'freeze' in the West Bank either....Israel does not see any connection between the peace process and the building and planning policy in Jerusalem, which hasn't changed for 40 years. Every Israeli government in the past 40 years has built in all parts of the city."
East Jerusalem is also the Palestinian capital, a right no PA leader will relinquish. Moreover, honest observers see no connection between the "peace process" and peace. Negotiations have been still born from inception, a charade assuring no peace because neither Washington nor Israel will tolerate it. It's one of many unspoken dirty secrets, explaining why conflict and repressive occupation have raged unabated for decades.