Congressional Fleecing the Public Legislation

Photo above of Rep. Chaka Fattah, right, watching a woman in
his district receive discounted heating oil from Joseph P. Ken-
nedy II, chairman and president of Citizens Energy Corporation,
as part of the CITGO-Venezuela heating oil program. (AP photo
by Matt Rourke)
On February 23, HR 4646: Debt Free America Act was introduced "To establish a fee on transactions which would eliminate the national debt and replace the income tax on individuals."
Sponsor Representative Chaka Fattah's (D. PA) same day press release said:
The bill offers a "simple new approach to paying off the debt now escalating past" $13.6 trillion as of late October. "The breakthrough legislation proposes a 1 percent fee (on) all payment instruments including cash transactions, checks, credit cards, those processed through the Federal Reserve Bank, and those collected at the point of sale."
"In addition, taxpayers would receive a 1 percent tax credit for gross income up to $250,000 to offset the impact of the fee," supposedly helping middle and lower-earning households. The bill will also establish a Bipartisan Task Force for Responsible Fiscal Action "to control and limit federal spending." Once the debt "is paid down...broad-based tax reform" would follow.