You Are Not Alone

Mike James

The Gentle Art of Resisting Zionist Terrorism

You are being murdered. You are hated and despised. You are excess to requirement.

You know this. What you don’t know is that you are the willing participant in your own destruction.

Laugh not, my friend, for though you do not perceive your ultimate end by a million cuts, you are slowly bleeding to death; even though you sit there wasting your time in trivial pursuits, watching television or dulling what few vestiges are left remaining of your intellectual wherewithal in expending your last functioning brain cells in gawking at distracting mainstream media news and meaningless tittle-tattle that excites nothing more than your basest instincts.

You were created in the image of an unimaginably gracious Lightness of Being more transcendentally magnificent than you could ever dare to imagine in this fallen, materialistic, satanically Zionist world. You are a prisoner of your own volition. An addict unto your own selfish and egoistic desires.

You are consumed with worry and anxiety. Why? Because you are a consumer, not a human being. Beings who take on the form of humanity are not consumers, but creators. Creators of their own destiny. Endowed with an imagination and an ability to innovate, even beyond all of the laws of physics (for humans IN BEING are metaphysical creatures), you – Yes, Sir – my fellow brother who lives in a trailer on a dollar a day or who slaves around the clock for an exploitative employer for just a few quid an hour – are infinitely more powerful than you would ever hope to dare.

On this planet, regardless of race, creed or colour, every man is a King and every woman a Queen.

Please allow me to reiterate: The greedy fascist bastard you work for is merely a mortal being in human form who obsesses over money, the precious fragility of his own brittle ego and, perhaps, his inability to satisfy his wife or mistress in a way commensurate with his own sexual self-perception. He is not invulnerable. He empties his bowels each evening in fear of the retribution with which he may meet lest he fails to deliver on-the-line to his major investors. He may act tough; but he is less than those he employs. Terror rules his life.

The Repressive Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law

Stephen Lendman

On July 18, the Knesset again extended the "Temporary Order" as it's done annually since 2003, affecting thousands of couples, one member an Israeli citizen, the other a Palestinian resident or refugee in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran or elsewhere, denied their right to reunite legally with spouses in Israel.

A new Physicians for Human Rights - Israel (PHR-IL) position paper titled, "The Humanitarian Committee - a false hope to the many who have been affected by the Citizenship Law" [.pdf] explains its harm, using several case study examples.

Since enacted in 2003, it's prevented thousands of couples from living normally, most unable to reunite, others residing in Israel without health insurance, work permits, or other social benefits.

To quell public criticism, a "humanitarian committee" was established, charged with reviewing reunification requests based on humanitarian, not legal, grounds - how couples live together elsewhere.

PHR-IL reviewed seven individual cases gotten by referral from 2007 - 2010.

The "Humanitarian Committee"

On March 21, 2007, the Knesset authorized the Interior Minister to grant legal status to non-resident spouses on "humanitarian grounds," based on the Committee's recommendation, established for this purpose - called the "Humanitarian Committee," functioning, in fact, as a racist one, aided by a vague mandate requiring "special humanitarian reasons" not defined or specifically who qualifies.

Ergenekon – Tyrkiets stat i staten

Bjarne Nielsen
Dagbladet Arbejderen

[Derin Devlet; Ergenekon] "Ergenekon" er 300 siders rystende læsning om Tyrkiet, som få kender det. Dokumentarisk drama og spænding hele vejen igennem. Hovedpersonerne er det lyssky netværk af militærpersoner, paramilitære dødspatruljer, højreorienterede gadebander, ultranationalister og narkobagmænd, der siden det moderne Tyrkiets fødsel systematisk har myrdet og tortureret etniske mindretal og politiske modstandere.

Forfatteren Pola Rojan, der er kurder og Tyrkiet-korrespondent for Jyllands-Posten, hvad der ikke mærkes, har skrevet et brag af en bog om spændingerne mellem militæret og demokratiske politikere. Det moderne Tyrkiet blev skabt af en række militærfolk, og de sidste 50 år har der været i alt fire militærkup og masser af drab på uskyldige.

Bogens omslag starter med, hvorledes ministerpræsident Ecevit under et fortroligt møde af landets militærchef bliver bedt om et større beløb til Kontoret for Særlig Krigsførelse – et kontor ministerpræsidenten intet kender til!

Først i dag, over 30 år senere, er der ved at blive kastet lys over det, der er blevet kaldt »Tyrkiets dybe stat«. Der kører i øjeblikket en retssag, men mysterierne er langt fra opklaret. Det ligger fast, at der eksisterer tætte forbindelser mellem de højrenationalistiske terrorgrupper, det kriminelle miljø og magteliten i landet. Ergenekon betyder bjergly og er et sagn, der er inkorporeret i statens officielle historieskrivning.

»En grå ulv kom til syne og førte an. Den viste dem vejen til et sandt paradis, Stedet var som Guds gave. De lukkede bjergpasset, så fjenden ikke skulle opdage det, og sagde, stedet må have et navn - Ergenekon«.

Således lyder sagnet om den organisation, der bestående af blandt andet generaler forsøger at undergrave et hvert skridt mod demokrati i et land, der søger optagelse i storkapitalens centrum, EU. Tak skæbne hvis højrekræfterne fra dette område kom i clinch med danske Messerschmidt og ligesindede.

Ecevit blev spurgt pænt, hvorimod hundredvis af intellektuelle, liberale og venstreorienterede efter kuppet i 1971 blev mødt med ordene: »Du er i hænderne på Kontraguerilla-enheden under generalstaben! Her findes ingen forfatning! Ingen love! Der er kun os! Hvis du giver os de rette svar, slipper vi dig fri. Ellers må du selv vælge, hvordan du skal dø! Vi kan tilintetgøre dig, og ingen vil stille os til ansvar«.

The Real Reasons Why the US and India Demonize Pakistan's ISI

Shahid R. Siddiqi

From left, Adm. Mike Mullen, Rear Adm. Scott Van Buskirk, Gen. Ashfaq
Parvez Kayani and Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha.United States Navy, via
Associated Press

Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence agency, or ISI as it is popularly known, is seen as their nemesis by those who have tried to undermine the security interests of the country one way or the other. It is no wonder then that in past few years the Americans unleashed a strong ISI-bashing campaign, with India following suit.

The Americans made no bones about their dislike for this agency, blaming it for working against their interests in Afghanistan. The Indians also see an ISI agent behind every rock in Kashmir and in Afghanistan where they are trying to dig their heels. They do not hesitate to pin on ISI the blame for the freedom struggle in Kashmir or for acts of terrorism by Indian extremists. Until recently the Karzai government dominated by the anti-Pakistan Northern Alliance also remained hostile to ISI.

Not too long ago, under intense American pressure the weak Zardari government made an unsuccessful attempt at neutralizing and subduing this agency in disregard to the existing sensitive regional security environment, by moving it out of the army control and placing it under the controversial and embattled Zardari loyalist interior minister - Rehman Malik. This did not succeed for a simple reason. The role of ISI as the eyes and ears of the Pakistan’s military - the bedrock of country’s security, is critical particularly at a time when the country faces multiple threats to its security.

Why This Gigantic “Intelligence” Apparatus? Follow the Money

Robert Higgs

"Even if the expected damage from acts of terrorism against the United States were $10 billion per year, which seems much too high a guess, it makes no sense to spend more than $75 billion every year to prevent it—and it certainly makes no sense to spend any money only pretending to prevent it.

What we see here is not really an “intelligence” or counterterrorism operation at all. It’s a rip-off, plain and simple, fed by irrational fear and continually stoked by the government plunderers who are exercising the power and raking in the booty to “fight terrorism.”

The Washington Post published yesterday the first of three large reports by Dana Priest and William M. Arkin on the dimensions of the gigantic U.S. apparatus of “intelligence” activities being undertaken to combat terrorist acts against the United States, such as the 9/11 attacks. To say that this activity amounts to mobilizing every police officer in the country to stop street fights in Camden only begins to suggest its almost unbelievable disproportion to the alleged threat.

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